The most important part of all businesses is the ability to sell. We can spend money easily and freely and we might think that spending can be challenging given that we need to spend in the right places for the right things, but without sales, we don’t have the money to buy things without dippingContinue reading “Sell Sell Sell”
Category Archives: Latest Blog
Building Bravery or Business Blunder
Building Bravery or Business Blunder A client approached me the other day and asked me if he had to pay the HST on a purchase of a commercial building. This brought to my attention that many of my clients ask the same question. I hope realtors and purchasers of businesses and/or commercial buildings don’t blunder.Continue reading “Building Bravery or Business Blunder”
Where is my business going?
I visited the Concession Street Fest on the weekend, and the energy and friendly people in their kiosks selling their products delighted me. While I was there, I spoke to a few merchants about their business. One person I spoke to said to me, and I quote “I don’t need an accountant, I’m too small.” Continue reading “Where is my business going?”
What to do with a review letter from CRA?
The answer to this question is not as stressful as some people think. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is simply asking for confirmation of information. It is best to read the letter to determine if it’s an audit or simply a review. The audit will request information and an appointment to review your information whileContinue reading “What to do with a review letter from CRA?”